How to build a security system on your business site

Posted on October 2, 2023October 2, 2023Categories Blog
Building a great security system is one of the best investments that you can make for your business, and probably the most important.

Unfortunately, there is no one size fits all solution to security. The sector your work in, the size of your business, the number of employees you have, whether you operate remotely or in person.

These are all things that play an important role in determining the security threats you face and the security measures that will need to be implemented to tackle them.

The losses that can be accumulated from a single security breach are substantial and if you are serious about your business success building a strong security plan is absolutely essential.

In this article, we will look at the best ways to build such a plan, protecting your assets and setting you up perfectly for a happy, successful, and profitable future.

security guard

What is the purpose of a security plan?

A security plan is designed to counteract the security threats you face, it’s as simple as that. Its primary purpose is always to protect your people but is also integral to financial success as it will protect you against any significant losses.

As well as your physical assets, a security plan should protect your customer’s private information and online data. It should cover the threats faced by every single person of responsibility within the business from the boots on the ground to the shareholders in the boardroom.

How to identify security risks

The key to a powerful security plan is effectively identifying the risks you face. It would make sense, therefore, to begin your plan creation with a risk assessment. You can do this yourself, or nominate a responsible individual to do so on your behalf, but if possible this is a task that should always be carried out by a security professional from a local security firm.

These individuals have an expert eye that will spot threats that you might not and will give you peace of mind that nothing has been overlooked. During this risk assessment you will have the opportunity to question the expert conducting it. Take this opportunity, knowledge really is power when it comes to security and the more that you know the better.

Implementing security measures

Once you have a security plan in place, it is time to implement it. Depending on the risks you face, just some of the security measures that might be put in place includes CCTV, security guards, access control gates, and intruder alarms.

For more information on any of these security services, get in touch with Select Solutions UK today.

You should also conduct staff training on any technologies that you put in place and the emergency response plan. This means that in the event that something unavoidable does go wrong your security staff won’t be the only ones who can respond and any evacuation is more likely to be conducted safely and smoothly, minimising the risk to safety.

7 signs you need a new boiler

Posted on August 9, 2023August 9, 2023Categories Blog

Picking the perfect time to replace your boiler will save you a huge amount of time, money, and hassle.

Unfortunately, boilers don’t come with an expiration date stamped on the side and finding this sweet spot where you have got the most possible use out of your boiler without having to pay for constant repairs or suffer from a significant drop in energy efficiency can be a challenge.

Luckily, we are your local gas boiler replacement Glasgow experts and are pretty well versed in the common symptoms seen in boilers that don’t have many miles left in the legs.

gas tank
Watch out for these 7 signs that you are in need of a new boiler:

The flame is yellow

Many people wrongly assume that a boiler flame should be orange or yellow. This is incorrect. A boiler flame should burn blue and if it has become yellow, this could be a sign that there is a carbon monoxide leak.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning

If there is indeed a carbon monoxide leak from your boiler, this is very serious and immediate action should be taken. Carbon monoxide alarms should be installed throughout your home and if you experience symptoms such as nausea, headaches, or dizziness, carbon monoxide may be to blame.

Nasty smell

A healthy boiler is odourless so if you start to smell something strange in the vicinity of your boiler, something is wrong. There are several potential causes of a nasty smelling boiler, including a gas leak, or a boiler having burnt out.

Poor energy efficiency

If you find yourself using far more gas to heat your home to the same temperature as you have had it in the past, this is a sign of a poor performing boiler. Whilst replacing your boiler might seem an expensive option, it is the most cost-effective choice in the long run as it will keep your energy bills to a minimum.

Falling pressure

If the pressure in your boiler keeps dropping, this could be down to a couple of different problems. Air could be leaking from a valve, for example, which is a pretty simple fix for a gas safe engineer. Unfortunately, it could also be the result of a more serious boiler failure meaning a replacement being required is not out of the question.

Strange noises

A new boiler will be extremely quiet, and whilst it is not uncommon for boilers to become a bit louder over the years, clunking and banging sounds are never a good sign. They could indicate a serious issue with the boiler such as a pump issue that could be irreparable if not tackled immediately.

Boiler is over 10 years old

If your boiler is over 10 years old, a replacement is going to be needed at some point in the next couple of years or so.

You might not need to install a new boiler right now but doing your research will put you in a strong position to act quickly when the time arrives.

4 Tips for Designing your Dream Home Sauna

Posted on August 1, 2023August 1, 2023Categories Blog

What could be better than relaxing at home in the personal oasis that is your very own home sauna, available for relaxation purposes whenever you need it most?

In this blog, we will walk you through 6 of the most helpful tips that you should bear in mind when designing your very own home sauna. We are your local experts in UK home saunas, and have extensive experience assisting our clients in the design, manufacture, and installation of their very own home sauna of steam room unit.

Consider the size of the area you have available

If you haven’t picked the location where you want your home sauna to be installed, it is impossible to begin the design process. There is no point making a design you love, packed full of features and style, only to later realise that your dream sauna doesn’t fit in the area of your home or garden that you have available.

There are fantastic sauna options available for spaces both large and small, from personal one-person saunas to larger multi-occupancy spaces, so this isn’t something to worry about but it is an important fact to know before you go any further.

Pick materials

Choosing the right materials for your sauna is important for both performance and appearance purposes. If you are installing a steam room where the humidity levels will be extremely high you will need to use a material that can cope with the high moisture levels.

If you are looking for a traditional looking sauna for your home, wood panels made from cedar or aspen are a great choice as they not only look fantastic but are also capable of coping with very high temperatures and give off a lovely aroma.

Pick a sauna type

There are many different types of sauna available on the market, including infrared saunas, traditional Finnish Saunas, steam rooms, and more.

Infrared saunas are a relatively recent addition to the home sauna market, in comparison to traditional saunas that have been used for many centuries anyway, and use infrared waves to ease muscle soreness, increase circulation, and aid recovery.

Traditional saunas, on the other hand, focus on heating the room itself rather than the person in it and use heaters or even heated stones to generate this heat.

Each different type of sauna offers a variety of different health and wellness benefits to the user so make sure that you consider what it is that you are looking to get out of your new home sauna before you make the commitment.

Pick additional extras

Saunas are customisable with many different cool features that allow you to really out your stamp on your personal sauna. These include things such as aromatherapy, Bluetooth speakers, colourful lighting, and much more besides.

For more information on exactly what options are available with your chosen sauna type, get in touch with your local home sauna installer and they will be able to advise you.

7 challenges faced by criminal defence lawyers

Posted on June 6, 2023June 6, 2023Categories Uncategorized

Becoming a qualified criminal defence lawyer at a respected law firm is an incredibly challenging task, and only the best of the best make it to the top.

Unfortunately, becoming a lawyer is only the start of the hard work criminal lawyers must put in to build a successful career. This is one of the most highly charged and emotive areas of law, and only the most level-headed and logical of individuals are suited to the task of representing those who have been charged with a criminal offence.

A single mistake could cost you your job and your reputation, and your client their freedom. Ready for that sort of pressure? If so, you could make a fantastic criminal lawyer but before you commit to the long and arduous journey towards getting your license, read on to discover 7 of the biggest challenges these experts face on a daily basis. If you reach the end and are still keen, you may have found the perfect career for you.

Legal offence

Challenge 1: Leaving your work at work

There is no getting away from the fact that balancing home and work life is extremely challenging for criminal lawyers. Every day you will be dealing with upsetting and potentially traumatic details and evidence and it can be difficult to switch off once you leave the office for the day. You will also almost certainly have to take calls and talk to clients outside of ‘normal’ working hours something that can be difficult to fit in with a family or social life.

Challenge 2: Getting the full picture

In order to build the best possible defence for their client and enter court or negotiations from a position of strength, it is vital that a criminal defence lawyer Glasgow access to all the details and evidence from the incident in question. Clients will often withhold information from their lawyers out of embarrassment, or only tell half truths. This only damages their cause in the long run but criminal lawyers must help them to feel at ease and impress the importance of leaving no detail out.

Challenge 3: Dealing with upset clients

Being accused of a crime isn’t exactly a nice experience, and it is understandable that a criminal lawyers’ clients are often upset and highly stressed. Defendants can be very challenging to deal with at times, especially as most have never been through this traumatic experience in the past and it takes a certain type of person to be able to keep clam in these situations.

Challenge 4: Starting your own business

Some criminal lawyers work for a large law firm, whilst others decide to start their own. If you decide to start your own criminal law firm you will have complete control over the type of clients you take on but you will also have to balance your responsibilities to your clients with trying to run a business of your own. Managing criminal cases is tough enough on its own. Add in the responsibility of paying employees, managing assets, and overseeing building expenses and you have one of the most full on challenging jobs it is possible for a lawyer to have.

Challenge 5: Dealing with public scrutiny

Criminal defence lawyers, despite being responsible for ensuring that many innocent people every year avoid conviction, have a pretty poor public reputation. Some people see the job of a criminal lawyer in Glasgow as simply trying to find a loophole to keep guilty people out of prison. However, the right to legal representation is a basic human right to which we all deserve and if you yourself ever find yourself in legal difficulty you will be incredibly relieved that it is.

Challenge 6: Coming to terms with guilty verdicts

criminal law

It can take some time after the conclusion of a criminal case for a defendant to come to terms with the fact that they have been found guilty of a crime. During the course of a case criminal lawyers will get to know their clients and whilst keeping things fully professional will become invested in certain cases and people. It is not unheard of, or unusual for criminal defence lawyers to experience emotional upheaval, PTSD, depression, and other mental health difficulties over their career, and many end up switching to a less involved area of the law.

Challenge 7: Sifting through large quantities of evidence

There is often a huge amount of evidence to sort through in a criminal case and defence lawyers must shift through the trash to find the nuggets of gold that will help them build their case. A single piece of evidence can be the deciding factor in any criminal case and  it takes a certain analytical mind to find it and use it in the most effective possible way.

What are the benefits of CCTV towers?

Posted on May 3, 2023May 3, 2023Categories Blog
CCTV towers have taken the security industry by storm, making it easier than ever to protect sites in remote areas from the threat of theft, vandalism, arson and much more besides.

But what exactly are these towers, and why are they so effective in protecting sites that were previously hard to secure.

That is exactly what this article will explain, looking at some of the biggest benefits of using a CCTV tower.

What are CCTV towers?

CCTV towers provide construction sites, vacant properties, car parks, and more with continuous surveillance in an instant, with no need for mains electricity access or lengthy installation periods.

Our mobile CCTV towers are 7m tall, towering over your site and acting as a powerful warning to anyone considering wrongdoing. They provide 360 degree coverage of a large area with the latest Pan, Tilt, Zoom (PTZ) motion detection technology tracking any movement until it leaves the premises.

Fitted with smart AI technology, CCTV towers are constantly learning about their surroundings in order to become more effective and minimise the risk of false alarms.

What are the benefits of using CCTV towers?

commercial CCTV

CCTV is one of the most effective security measures it is possible to install on any property.

Cameras deter criminals, capture any incidents, and record valuable evidence that can be used by the police or for insurance purposes.

They provide 24 hour a day cost effective protection and can save you a huge amount of money by preventing theft or vandalism before they occur.

CCTV towers have revolutionised the CCTV industry, allowing sites that would previously have been unable to install CCTV to access all the benefits they provide.

Talking of benefits, here are just a few of the biggest benefits provided by CCTV towers.

1)     Deter criminals

Like all great security measures, the main purpose of CCTV towers is to prevent crime from being committed in the first place, although they are still valuable tools for actively dealing with it once it occurs.

If a potential criminal knows that should they enter a property they will be under constant observation, they are much less likely to do so in the first place and a 7m tall highly coloured tower topped with multiple CCTV cameras leaves little to the imagination.

In the past, fly tippers would often target rural remote locations to dump their waste, as it was incredibly difficult to protect such areas with no mains electricity etc, but with a CCTV tower this is no longer the case.

2)     Provide evidence

Should an individual or group be foolish enough o enter your property and do damage, despite a CCTV tower being in place, the high quality imagery that they provide will be inviable to the authorities in finding and convicting them. You can also use it yourself to learn from the incident and as evidence in a future insurance claim.

CCTV footage is not only useful when it shows a crime either, and can be a great learning opportunity for staff. CCTV footage is often the cornerstone of training programmes used for health and safety purposes as research shows that real-life examples are much more likely to leave a lasting impression on workers, especially in environments such as construction sites where CCTV towers are so popular.

3)     Check up on your site remotely

CCTV towers broadcast imagery via 5G, allowing you to access live footage from anywhere in the world via your laptop, phone, or other mobile device.

Properties best suited to CCTV towers are often void properties left unoccupied for prolonged periods of time, and this technology allows you to check that all is well without spending valuable time travelling to the location.

video monitoring

It can also be used to check on the progress of projects and staff activity, often resulting in a noticeable increase in productivity. Whilst you’ve got better things to do than to observe your staff 24/7, there is nothing that gets motivation higher than the knowledge that the boss could be watching at any moment.

4)     Resolving staff disputes

There will be no more confusion, or he said she said regarding incidents on site with a CCTV tower in place. Disputes arise between staff or customers every so often in any workplace, but CCTV will leave no doubt over the exact details of the event in question.

This is also effective when processing workplace accident claims, quickly identifying where fault lies, if anywhere.

5)     Happier workforce

With a CCTV tower on site, your staff can relax, knowing that they are protected and safe whilst at work. Research has shown that the installation of CCTV can lead to increased productivity as well as improving overall morale and reducing staff turnover.

Do the police respond to burglar alarms?

Posted on March 30, 2022March 30, 2022Categories Uncategorized

Being the victim of burglary is a hugely traumatic experience and installing a burglar alarm is one of the best ways to guard against this.

One of the questions we are commonly asked at Central FS when installing our market leading alarm systems is whether the police will come to the property if the alarm goes off.

The answer to this question is that police response to home security alarms depends on a number of factors, so we have put together this simple guide to give you all the information you need about the reaction of the police to burglar alarm activation.

Are the police automatically notified by my alarm?

Not directly. Home alarm systems in the UK cannot be directly connected to the police as it would be impossible for them to effectively respond to every activation across the country.

This does not mean that the police will not respond as a result of your alarm being activated, however.

 Alarms that are connected to our 24/7 alarm receiving centres will be automatically checked by our expert team of security professionals who will conduct a series of checks to confirm the source of the alarm activation.

Upon notification, we will contact the alarm owner or another resident to determine if there has been a false alarm or if further action needs to be taken.

If someone in the property confirms the presence of an intruder, if a second detection trigger is received should the property be empty, we will then notify the police of the situation and they will respond.

Which Security Companies Can Alert the Police?

Access to police control rooms is extremely limited, and only highly accredited security companies are able to pass alarm activation information directly to the police and ensure a fast response to emergency situations.

Only security companies such as Central FS, who are an NSI approved accredited SSAIB intruder alarm supplier are able to do this, so it is important that you always check this before choosing a security company to install your burglar alarm.

What does a police response involve?

There are multiple different police response levels that determine the action the police will take if they are notified that a burglar alarm has been activated.

These responses are classified into 3 different levels depending on the judged severity of the situation.

These tiers are:

Level 1 – Immediate Response

This is the highest tier of police alarm response possible and is only accessible to SSAIB accredited companies and not members of the general public.

As this response is only for alarm activations confirmed by a professional alarm response centre the police will assume that a dangerous ongoing situation is occurring on the property in question and react in kind.

Level 2 – Immediate response, resource permitting

Now only offered by a very limited number of constabularies, level 2 response involved prioritising ARC alerts over other incidents but only if there were sufficient resources in place at the time

Level 3 – No Police attendance except if crime witnessed

Level 3 alarm notifications will only be responded to by the police should a member of the public call them to say that they have actually witnessed an offence taking place.

What Decides the Police Response Level?

As mentioned, only a highly accredited company ARC is able to trigger a Level 1 police response, but even this is no guarantee.

If the police receive 3 call outs within a 12-month period to a single property that turn out to be false alarms, the monitored alarm system on that property will be downgraded to Level 3.

Its status will only be restored after a 3 month period if sufficient technological upgrades have been made to guard against false activations.

For this reason, it is vital that you use a respected alarm provider such as Central FS who not only use the latest equipment and top of the range AI technology to avoid false alarms but whose ARC is manned by expert security professionals who will be able to make correct under pressure decisions as to whether the police need to be deployed based on the information available.

Are the Police always required?

No! If you use the keyholding services of a professional security service provider such as Central FS trained security guards will usually be able to tackle any alerts without the need for police assistance.

If our team attends the site and finds an ongoing incident taking place, at that point they will call the police and alert the ARC to the situation.

Get In Touch

For more information on burglar alarm Glasgow response, or to learn more about any of the bespoke security solutions that we offer here at Central FS, call us today on 0141 530 1244, or get in touch via email at