7 signs you need a new boiler

Picking the perfect time to replace your boiler will save you a huge amount of time, money, and hassle.

Unfortunately, boilers don’t come with an expiration date stamped on the side and finding this sweet spot where you have got the most possible use out of your boiler without having to pay for constant repairs or suffer from a significant drop in energy efficiency can be a challenge.

Luckily, we are your local gas boiler replacement Glasgow experts and are pretty well versed in the common symptoms seen in boilers that don’t have many miles left in the legs.

gas tank
Watch out for these 7 signs that you are in need of a new boiler:

The flame is yellow

Many people wrongly assume that a boiler flame should be orange or yellow. This is incorrect. A boiler flame should burn blue and if it has become yellow, this could be a sign that there is a carbon monoxide leak.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning

If there is indeed a carbon monoxide leak from your boiler, this is very serious and immediate action should be taken. Carbon monoxide alarms should be installed throughout your home and if you experience symptoms such as nausea, headaches, or dizziness, carbon monoxide may be to blame.

Nasty smell

A healthy boiler is odourless so if you start to smell something strange in the vicinity of your boiler, something is wrong. There are several potential causes of a nasty smelling boiler, including a gas leak, or a boiler having burnt out.

Poor energy efficiency

If you find yourself using far more gas to heat your home to the same temperature as you have had it in the past, this is a sign of a poor performing boiler. Whilst replacing your boiler might seem an expensive option, it is the most cost-effective choice in the long run as it will keep your energy bills to a minimum.

Falling pressure

If the pressure in your boiler keeps dropping, this could be down to a couple of different problems. Air could be leaking from a valve, for example, which is a pretty simple fix for a gas safe engineer. Unfortunately, it could also be the result of a more serious boiler failure meaning a replacement being required is not out of the question.

Strange noises

A new boiler will be extremely quiet, and whilst it is not uncommon for boilers to become a bit louder over the years, clunking and banging sounds are never a good sign. They could indicate a serious issue with the boiler such as a pump issue that could be irreparable if not tackled immediately.

Boiler is over 10 years old

If your boiler is over 10 years old, a replacement is going to be needed at some point in the next couple of years or so.

You might not need to install a new boiler right now but doing your research will put you in a strong position to act quickly when the time arrives.